电话 / 微信 / WeChat :139****7382
我们是一家经营多年的旧鞋包工厂,位于广东佛山,常年出口分拣,打包好的旧鞋子出口、旧包包出口,专业回收加工销售于一体的新型环保企业,专注回收加工6年,成品保证能迅速稳定发货,构建了严谨的质量管理监督体系,从源头把控品质,并建立了从源头到发货的完整产业链,专注于旧鞋,包包出口,用心服务,长远发展,把“以诚为本,以质为重,用心服务好客户"作为公司的经营理念!欢迎莅临工厂参观和业务洽谈。供货能力稳定,质量好,已经跟非洲,东南亚国家,客户合作多年,得到客户的一致好评!欢迎新老客户,来电咨询13902837282 李总,来厂参观,洽谈。
We are a new type of environmental protection enterprise that has been operating for many years, located in Foshan, Guangdong. We export and sort old shoes and bags all year round, and specialize in recycling, processing, and sales. We have been focusing on recycling and processing for 6 years, ensuring the rapid and stable delivery of finished products. We have established a rigorous quality management and supervision system, controlling quality from the source, and establishing a complete industrial chain from the source to the delivery. We focus on exporting old shoes and bags, providing attentive service, and long-term development. Our business philosophy is "integrity-based, quality oriented, and customer service". We welcome you to visit the factory and negotiate business. Our supply capacity is stable, and our quality is good. We have cooperated with African, Southeast Asian countries, and customers. For many years, we have received unanimous praise from customers! Welcome new and old customers, call us for consultation at 139****7282, Mr. Li; Visit the factory and negotiate.

- 求购旧鞋旧包