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2014-03-20 14:3124440询价
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发货 广东佛山市付款后3天内  
的你加入我们的团队,与我们一起共同创造未来。 我们公司回收旧衣服种类:牛仔裤、连衣裙、半身裙、衬衫、袜裤、球衣、T恤、泳衣、纹胸、休闲裤、中短裤、内裤、丝质睡衣、夏季童装、纱料上衣。旧皮包、窗帘、床单、床罩、大块布料。要求七成新以上,不潮
湿、不脏不破、不起毛球、不褪色、老人衣服不要、款式老土的不要! 我们公司旧衣服主要出口到非洲市场(如:安哥拉、加纳、刚果、贝宁、尼日利亚、卢旺达、肯尼亚、乌干达、科特迪瓦、玛达加斯加、苏丹、喀麦隆、利比利亚等等......)出口到东南亚市场(如
越南、柬埔寨、缅甸、泰国、马来西亚、印度尼西亚(印尼)、菲律宾、文莱)出口到其它市场(如朝鲜、巴基斯坦、阿富汗、俄罗斯、)...... 我们公司可以为客户提供一站式服务:装卸-运输-报关-目的港-清关。 客户只需要下订单然后在目的港等货就可以了,其
它事情我们全部都包办了。 我们的宗旨是客户至上、质量第一!严格把关质量,先把货物在流水线上筛选一次,然后再分配到每个品种工位再经过工人精心挑选一次,确保质量100%才打好包装。我们真诚地期待与你的合作! Li Feng Environmental Protection 
co.,LTD is a professional company focus on old clothes industry.Our company has 4600 square meters of warehouse,since 2006 has engaged in old clothes recycling and one-stop service in the pearl river delta region of Guangdong province in 
China.We have a large professional team to recycle old clothes and will keep recycling quality around 1000 tons each month.We sincerely hope you can join our team, to create the future together together with us. Our recycling old clothes 
types including,jeans,dress,skirt,shirt,pantyhose,polo shirt,t-shirt,swimwear,brassiere,casual pants,mid length shorts,briefs,sleep wear,summer children’s garments,jacket in yarn material,old wallet,curtain,bedclothes,bedspread and 
large swatches.We require seventy percent of new things,must be not damp,not dirty and broken,has no cottony ball,it’s fastness,old clothes and design in old-fashioned clothes are not accepted. Most old clothes in our company are mainly 
exported to Africa market,such as Angola,Ghana,Congo,Benin,Nigeria,Rwanda,Kenya,Uganda,Coted Ivoire,Martha,The Sudan,Cameroon,Liberia and so on.and exported to southeast Asia market,like 
Vietnam,Cambodia,Burma,Thailand,Malaysia,Indonesia,the Philippines,Brunei.Export to other markets,Korea,Pakistan,Afghan,Russia and so on. We can provide one -stop services for our customers,loading and unloading,transportation,custos 
application,pot of destination and customs clearance. Only you need to do is take the goods after placing orders,all other things will be arranged by us. Our aim is customer and quality come first,to control the quality strictly.We will 
screen goods first on the assembly lines,then assign to each position for selecting carefully by workers.To ensure all good be packed with quality 100%.We sincerely look forward to cooperating with you! 
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