我司是在非洲专业做旧鞋旧皮包批发销售的,货品由自己工厂做来的,自产自销的优势好,产品品质稳定,现扩展非洲、中东、及东南亚等其它国家的批发商,希望国外客商前来考查本工厂,洽谈共同开发该地区的市场。电话号码:陈总15088721087,15088721099 微信同号 吴佳欣:15960831995!
I am a wholesale sale of old shoes and old bags in Africa,the factory makes its own goods,the advantages of their own production and sales,Stable product quality,wholesalers in other countries in Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia,looking for wholesalers in Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and other countries,hope that foreign businessmen to come to inspect the factory to discuss the joint development of the region's sales,Phone number/ WeChat:chen:15088721087,15088721099 15960831995